The facilitator for our team, Jennifer, did a great job in challenging our managers to think about their individual jobs from an overall company perspective and how they relate to employees and other managers… The participants calculated return on value, we saw a return of over $2M! We were so pleased with the outcome, we made the commitment to enroll our mid-management team. At the mid-point, they had calculated a return on value in excess of $1M.

We enrolled 22 managers and supervisors, both upper and mid-level… Based on the team concept that you taught us, our manager’s and supervisor’s communication, morale and attitudes have improved greatly. Manufacturing errors due to communication issue were costing our company about $2,000,000 per year. In just one year our mistakes have been reduced by 50% and are still improving.

We have been able to upgrade the skills of our management team. Your program has become very popular with our staff. The changed attitudes of our team have resulted in significant sales increase and cost reductions through the implementation of new ideas, new processes and a greater focus.

I have observed that the attitudes, team spirit and efficiency of the participants have improved. We recommend this program to any company that is seriously committed to developing the potential of their managers.

For the past year the program has been the highlight of my month. I have been particularly impressed with the principles presented on each topic, as well as the open discussion of ideas and views.

The topics are not only relevant, but critical in the stage of fast growth we are experiencing. Thanks for bringing this program to our attention and keep up your good work.
multiple year engagement with Foresight

I have been implementing the ideas and techniques in your management development program with outstanding results. The value of this training far exceeds the investment.

The Tennessee Aquarium has been fortunate to retain a large number of employees who have built careers of 20 or more years with us. As part of our professional development, retention and succession planning process, we recognized the need to strategically position the organization for continued success. We chose Foresight to help lead us through our management development program based upon their curriculum, expertise, and proven track record of results.
As a non-profit organization In an increasingly competitive job market, it’s important for us to retain our talent and provide our future leaders with the tools and skills necessary to ensure growth. Foresight is helping us achieve our goals.
multiple year engagement with Foresight

Process Barron just joined the Management Development Program. Foresight will also conduct quarterly Strategic Creative Thinking Corporate Retreats with our senior managers, as part of the process. We have grown 30% in revenue over the last three years. Foresight will help us refocus and prioritize our strategies and tactics to help us strengthen our fast growth. We are also expecting to build up and sharpen our management skills through the Foresight’s process. Foresight’s reputation in the marketplace and their references convinced us that this was the right program for us.
– A global $110 million dollar manufacturer of heavy fuel, air, and ash handling process equipment in Pelham, Alabama
multiple year engagement with Foresight

Upon due diligence with Foresight’s references, after completing the 3-hour Management Development Workshop, we made the decision to enroll our senior and mid-management teams in the process. Recently completing the process, each participant calculated the Return on Value (ROV) of their own individual implementations. Results: the small and large returns resulted in a total savings of $1.4M for our company… well worth the initial time and enrollment investment!

Our people were thoroughly impressed with the teaching and were kept totally engaged throughout the course of the retreat… We’ve been getting excellent feedback from everyone that attended and the general consensus has been that this retreat was best meeting we’ve ever had at our company and one hundred percent of the evaluations came back with the highest rating.
multiple year engagement with Foresight

Through the Foresight MDP program, Boyd Bros. has learned that performing to one’s job description does not provide full clarity on the value one brings to the organization. Instead, our team now considers the estimated return on value (ROV) of all major business decisions. By utilizing a ROV approach, we anticipate a renewed focus on actions that will provide a stronger impact on the success of our organization.
multiple year engagement with Foresight

When we talked a year ago, we were looking for a process that would help our engineers to become better managers and people leaders… The Return on Value in the ideas, programs, and implementation reported has been over $400,000 this year, showing a solid return on our original investment… Our managers have thoroughly enjoyed each session and have consistently given the highest ratings to the program.
multiple year engagement with Foresight

Our organization has already seen positive results from our engagement with Foresight. It started with a our introduction of Foresight in their 3 HR Management Development Workshop. We were highly impressed and it was a consensus that we move ahead with Foresight. We began with a full-day Corporate Retreat which helped us to focus our collective thoughts and develop a common vision for the future. Once this groundwork was established, our management team has benefited from Foresight’s facilitation of the Management Development Program as well as on-going follow-up coaching sessions to keep us on task. All in all I feel very good about the work that Foresight has done for us and I am excited about their continued involvement in the months ahead.
– A global $20 million regional blood centers, serving 21 counties and hospitals in West Tennessee
multiple year engagement with Foresight

The MDP program provides the tools needed to make the improvements a reality for any group as well as any individual within a group… I was able to add over $3 million in value thru savings and/or added revenue thru four separate agreement negotiations… with a final team total of $3,679.069. This result is a return on investment that can’t be found in the marketplace and invaluable to our organization and its future in an uncertain healthcare industry.
multiple year engagement with Foresight

R. L. Zeigler Meats recently joined Foresight’s Management Development Program. After they conducted our 3-Hr Management Development Workshop, we extremely impressed and unanimously decided to enroll our team in the program. We are all excited at the possibilities that lay ahead of us. We are a 75 Year company looking to forge new territories, learn new approaches to old problems and transfer those skills and knowledge to our next leaders. One of our senior management team members came into the Workshop with the thought of” what am I doing here? I’m about to retire·: at the end of the 3 hours, he said, “I’m excited to be here for the next chapter of Zeigler – I can’t wait to be a part of our growth”. That says it for all of us.
– A regional $30 million dollar meat processor in Selma and Tuscaloosa, Alabama
multiple year engagement with Foresight

We are an 85 year old company, which has never engaged in management development training for its management team as in depth and comprehensive as Foresight… The techniques/skills applied and the ROV to Zeigler is astounding. The ROV stretches across the organization. We estimate that we have realized the economies totaling at least $1.475 million thus far! We are excited about what changes and gains the program will bring.

The accountability of the participants to show Return on Value (ROV) resulted in tangible changes and improvements in our company. Participants have reported an estimated Return on Value (ROV) based on the participant’s implementation of ideas and concepts, of over $500,000 for this year alone. We are extremely pleased with the results, as the investment has paid off many times over…
multiple year engagement with Foresight

Foresight exceeded our expectations during our initial workshop with our management team; now six months after completion of the program, I still hear references almost daily of the techniques, skills and processes our time learned from Foresight. The implementations of our team went well over $1.5M annually! I believe any organization would greatly benefit from enrolling in the Foresight Management Development Program.

Our management team loves the MOP sessions. They have fun and enjoy the dynamics, as well as the application of what they are learning. They thank me after every class for spending the time and money to enroll them in the MOP. They are just fascinated with everything that they are learning and applying. Some commented that this is one of the best training programs they have ever been to. Since they have been participating in the Foresight Management Development Program, they are reevaluating the way they approach different situations and are using the training to do things differently in order to have a better outcomes.
– A global $30 million dollar fabricator of custom copper components; received 2013 “Distinguished Supplier Award” by Enersys (NYSE: ENS), leading provider of battery solutions for industrial and military applications
multiple year engagement with Foresight

We originally invested $49,500 in the enrollment of the (11) mid-level managers in the MDP program. They reported either: time saved thru delegation, leaving them to do ‘big picture’ strategic items, cost savings, productivity increases and efficiencies, better communications, less mistakes, etc., which roughly calculates to over $220,627, which is about a 450% return on the investment we made enrolling them.

We have our support executives participating in the program with outstanding results. Your professionalism, excellent facilitation skills, availability and flexibility have earned the respect of all of us. As a result of applying the concepts, we retained 2% more of our present customers, representing millions of dollars in business.

As a result of one of the ideas I got from the program, we went through a “shuffling/drafting” process for part time employees, experiencing a reduction in our WIP inventory of $153,870 in the month of July and a reduction in July overtime of $1,304. We have sustained those levels in the months since. This was all due to ideas and implementation from one class. The MDP has really worked for us.
multiple year engagement with Foresight

As with any investment made, you anticipate a return on that investment. Foresight works with participants to better understand their contributions to the organization in terms of dollar value. After collecting the dollar value of our management team’s implementations, we saw an ROI in excess of $600,000! Foresight MDP was money and time well spent.
multiple year engagement with Foresight

I have been implementing the ideas and techniques in your management development program with outstanding results. The value of this training far exceeds the investment.

We have been able to upgrade the skills of our management team. Your program has become very popular with our staff. The changed attitudes of our team have resulted in significant sales increase and cost reductions through the implementation of new ideas, new processes and a greater focus.

I have been impressed with the program and with your professionalism and your attitude of giving beyond what you promise. As a result of the program, I have seen better attitudes, more confidence in the decision making process and better judgment in the hiring process.

The program dynamics are excellent! The videos, discussions and role playing, along with your insightful knowledge have definitely enhanced the learning experience.

I have observed that the attitudes, team spirit and efficiency of the participants have improved. We recommend this program to any company that is seriously committed to developing the potential of their managers.

Our directors and key supervisors went through Foresight’s Management Development course as a team to sharpen important skills to push our agency forward. The material was comprehensive, relevant, easy to follow, and it helped us to be on the same page. In addition, they way the instruction is separated by practical application of the material helped us ensure we understood and practiced each skill so that all of our leadership is following the same principles, making for a cohesive team.