MDP Highlights
Proven Return On Investment
(ROI) White Paper
Embraced and highly rated by diverse generations of managers of leading companies of all sizes, and with over fourteen-years of proven client results, the MDP can be
How The Mdp Program Works
The MDP full course curriculum is arranged in (10), four-hour sessions or skill topics, that are interrelated like a honeycomb, which increases its strength with weight. Managers become a stronger leaders with each upgraded skill in their toolbox.

According to a recent study, more than 92% of all internet users communicate via email. Another study revealed that over 28% of the average employee’s workweek is spent reading and responding to email. With so much at stake in your professional communications, is your message getting across effectively?
Foresight’s expert facilitators have developed a practial guide explaining the importance of precise and effective communication in the workplace while containing best practices for communicating via email in the 21st century.
Our FREE eBook contains:
• Why Email Matters
• The Drawbacks to Electronic Communication
• 7 Email Habits to Avoid
• Tips on Safeguarding Systems
Ensuring that an organization has consistent and effective leadership at the top is a principal board responsibility. It includes a continual planning process for meaningful leadership succession that will ensure a seamless and successful transition from one executive leader to another. A responsible succession planning process consists of guidelines and options for the organization to use to recruit, develop and appoint leadership for the organization.

The facilitator for our team, Jennifer, did a great job in challenging our managers to think about their individual jobs from an overall company perspective and how they relate to employees and other managers… The participants calculated return on value, we saw a return of over $2M! We were so pleased with the outcome, we made the commitment to enroll our mid-management team. At the mid-point, they had calculated a return on value in excess of $1M.
multiple year engagement with Foresight

Process Barron just joined the Management Development Program. Foresight will also conduct quarterly Strategic Creative Thinking Corporate Retreats with our senior managers, as part of the process. We have grown 30% in revenue over the last three years. Foresight will help us refocus and prioritize our strategies and tactics to help us strengthen our fast growth. We are also expecting to build up and sharpen our management skills through the Foresight’s process. Foresight’s reputation in the marketplace and their references convinced us that this was the right program for us.
– A global $110 million dollar manufacturer of heavy fuel, air, and ash handling process equipment in Pelham, Alabama
multiple year engagement with Foresight

Upon due diligence with Foresight’s references, after completing the 3-hour Management Development Workshop, we made the decision to enroll our senior and mid-management teams in the process. Recently completing the process, each participant calculated the Return on Value (ROV) of their own individual implementations. Results: the small and large returns resulted in a total savings of $1.4M for our company… well worth the initial time and enrollment investment!

Our people were thoroughly impressed with the teaching and were kept totally engaged throughout the course of the retreat… We’ve been getting excellent feedback from everyone that attended and the general consensus has been that this retreat was best meeting we’ve ever had at our company and one hundred percent of the evaluations came back with the highest rating.
multiple year engagement with Foresight

Through the Foresight MDP program, Boyd Bros. has learned that performing to one’s job description does not provide full clarity on the value one brings to the organization. Instead, our team now considers the estimated return on value (ROV) of all major business decisions. By utilizing a ROV approach, we anticipate a renewed focus on actions that will provide a stronger impact on the success of our organization.
multiple year engagement with Foresight
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One of the Smartest Investments in Management Training Programs
Foresight MDP enjoys a long, well-established reputation for consistently delivering:
- One of the highest ROI,
- Participant satisfaction ratings in the industry,
- Nationwide, dollar for dollar, best value among top managerial leadership programs (ask for comparison study).